About us
The Meir Efrat Group has already populated tens of thousands of meters of commercial real estate that it owns, with exceptional occupancy rates. With us, you will find a complete range of services in the field of commercial real estate, including the location of commercial properties and carrying out their actual construction, along with full responsibility for populating and managing those properties. In the Meir Efrat Group, you will enjoy a comprehensive service system and precise catering of the property to suit the needs of your business. We will accompany you with great professionalism every step of the way,right up until the signing of the contract, given the vast knowledge and experience we have accumulated during the years we have been active, and our full involvement in each of the initiation, planning,licensing and execution phases of a project, translating into long-term success in the field.

The Meir Efrat Group has spent more than 20 years in innovation, construction and marketing of commercial areas for rental. Our buildings are suited to a wide range of businesses, and through our guidance and utilization of our professional experience, you will find the office best suited to you,creating a pleasant and functional working environment for your business.
Our Services
- Location of commercial properties with high potential for enrichment.
- Innovation, construction and renovation of office buildings.
- Management services to promote productive real estate.
- Professional and legal accompanyment.
- Architectural and design services to adapt the space to the customer's needs.

Article in The Marker – The next office between Tel Aviv and Herzliya
9 Tips For Choosing a Winning Office
Commercial Real Estate – Central Issues
Logistics in the Era of e-commerce – Where do we go from here?
Article in The Marker – The next office between Tel Aviv and Herzliya
9 Tips For Choosing a Winning Office
Commercial Real Estate – Central Issues
Logistics in the Era of e-commerce – Where do we go from here?

1 Article in The Marker – The next office between Tel Aviv and Herzliya
The article about "The New Beit Blorey" property in Ramat Hasharon featured in The Marker. Renting of personally designed offices together with all the advantages you get as office owners... For full article >>>

2 9 tips for choosing a winning office
Commercial real estate has, in recent years, changed from a field known mainly to the big players in the market to a branch of major interest to the general public... For full article >>>

3Commercial Real Estate – Central Issues
Commercial real estate has gone from a field known mainly to the big players in the market to the central field of interest forthe wider general public as well.... For full article >>>

4 Logistics in the era of e-commerce – Where do we go from here?
Fulfilling the new demand is changing the rules of the game. Huge changes at the demographic and socio-economic level are fundamentally changing the field of consumerism in Israel and all over the world... For full article >>>
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6408* / 03-9444335
HaHaroshet 18, Ramat Hasharon